Automation testing

8. Assertions


Assertion - is a way of verification. We can verify that data exist on the page, url is the one we expect to have, and.... pretty much anything else.

WairFor... as a way of assertion

Let's start with making sure elements existence on the page. For this purpose, we don't even need to use any extra modules. We can simply use:

  • waitForDisplayed(); - waits until selector is displayed
  • waitForExist(); - waits until selector exists
  • waitForClickable(); - waits until selector is clickable

Assert module as a way of assertion

For more complicated cases where we need to verify, let's say URL === '', we could use the chai module. Don't forget to install it if you haven't done so:

  • npm install chai

Assert URL
// require assert from chai module
const assert = require('chai').assert;
// use this one in your test
const url = browser.getUrl();
assert.equal(url, '', 'Url mismatch');
Assert text === 'expected text'
// require assert from chai module
const assert = require('chai').assert;
// use this one in your test
const actualText = $('#fakeTextId').getText();
const expectedText = 'Expected fake text';
assert.equal(actualText, expectedText, 'Our fake text did not match expected one');
Assert true
// require assert from chai module
const assert = require('chai').assert;
// use this one in your test
const loggedInUserIcon = $('#fakeIconId').isExisting();
assert.isTrue(loggedInUserIcon, 'User was not logged in');
Assert false
// require assert from chai module
const assert = require('chai').assert;
// use this one in your test
const usernameTextfield = $('#fakeUsernameTxtId').isExisting();
assert.isFalse(usernameTextfield, 'User was not logged out');
See entire list of assertions at: chais website
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